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Luke's portrait of Jesus shows Him coming into Galilee proclaiming "good news to the poor, freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind." More than any other Gospel the Gospel of Luke shows Jesus' concern for the downtrodden and oppressed, those marginalized by society, including women and children. It also displays his concern for those outside the house of Israel. Luke's Gospel...

Luke’s use of the term poor in chapter 1 and beyond makes it clear this is not only a socioeconomic reference. On the other hand, neither is class excluded from Jesus’ concerns. In 1:50–53, the reference to “the humble” is surrounded by descriptions that indicate the spiritually sensitive character of the poor. Luke 6:20–23, too, compares the trouble the poor face in this world to the experience the prophets of old faced. So the text Jesus reads is not a carte blanche endorsement of the poor, nor