
Matthew is unavailable, but you can change that!

MATTHEW'S Gospel could be called "the Gospel of the kingdom." This Gospel tells us that Jesus came to earth as God in the flesh, the Messiah, to begin his kingdom. This is a kingdom of the heart, and God's subjects include all who submit to him and acknowledge Christ as their sovereign Lord. Eventually, God's full kingdom will be realized at Christ's return, when he comes to annihilate the force...

INTRODUCTION Predictions, projections, and best guesses—everyone likes to state what they think the future will hold. Meteorologists forecast the daily weather, sports journalists predict the outcome of a championship series, pollsters project the probable winner of an election, news commentators declare the direction of the nation, and futurists explain what the world will be like a few decades hence. In addition, our daily conversations are sprinkled with future talk: “Who do you think will win?”