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1 Then he showed me aJoshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and 1bSatan standing at his right hand to accuse him.
2 The Lord said to Satan, “aThe Lord rebuke you, Satan! Indeed, the Lord who has bchosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is this not a cbrand plucked from the fire?”
3 Now Joshua was clothed with afilthy garments and standing before the angel.
4 He spoke and said to those who were standing before him, saying, “aRemove the filthy garments from him.” Again he said to him, “See, I have btaken your iniquity away from you and 1will cclothe you with festal robes.”
5 Then I said, “Let them put a clean aturban on his head.” So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him with garments, while the angel of the Lord was standing by.
6 And the angel of the Lord admonished Joshua, saying,
7 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will awalk in My ways and if you will perform My service, then you will also bgovern My house and also have charge of My ccourts, and I will grant you 1free access among these who are standing here.
8 ‘Now listen, Joshua the high priest, you and your friends who are sitting in front of you—indeed they are men who are a asymbol, for behold, I am going to bring in My servant the 1bBranch.
9 ‘For behold, the stone that I have set before Joshua; on one stone are aseven eyes. Behold, I will engrave an inscription on it,’ declares the Lord of hosts, ‘and I will bremove the iniquity of that land in one day.
10 ‘In that day,’ declares the Lord of hosts, ‘every one of you will invite his neighbor to sit under his avine and under his fig tree.’ ”
The Golden Lampstand and Olive Trees
1 Then athe angel who was speaking with me returned and broused me, as a man who is awakened from his sleep.
2 He said to me, “aWhat do you see?” And I said, “I see, and behold, a blampstand all of gold with its bowl on the top of it, and its cseven lamps on it with seven spouts belonging to each of the lamps which are on the top of it;
3 also atwo olive trees by it, one on the right side of the bowl and the other on its left side.”
4 Then I said to the angel who was speaking with me saying, “What are these, amy lord?”
5 So athe angel who was speaking with me answered and said to me, “bDo you not know what these are?” And I said, “No, my lord.”
6 Then he 1said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to aZerubbabel saying, ‘bNot by might nor by power, but by My cSpirit,’ says the Lord of hosts.
7 ‘What are you, O great amountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain; and he will bring forth the top stone with bshouts of “Grace, grace to it!” ’ ”
8 Also the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
9 “The hands of Zerubbabel have alaid the foundation of this house, and his hands will bfinish it. Then you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to 1you.
10 “For who has despised the day of asmall things? 1But these bseven will be glad when they see the 2cplumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel—these are the deyes of the Lord which erange to and fro throughout the earth.”
11 Then I said to him, “What are these atwo olive trees on the right of the lampstand and on its left?”
12 And I answered the second time and said to him, “What are the two olive 1branches which are beside the two golden pipes, which empty the golden oil from themselves?”
13 So he answered me, saying, “aDo you not know what these are?” And I said, “No, bmy lord.”
14 Then he said, “These are the two 1aanointed ones who are bstanding by the cLord of the whole earth.”
1 Then I lifted up my eyes again and looked, and behold, there was a flying ascroll.
2 And he said to me, “aWhat do you see?” And I answered, “I see a flying scroll; its length is twenty 1cubits and its width ten cubits.”
3 Then he said to me, “This is the acurse that is going forth over the face of the whole 1land; surely everyone who bsteals will be purged away according to 2the writing on one side, and everyone who cswears will be purged away according to 2the writing on the other side.
4 “I will amake it go forth,” declares the Lord of hosts, “and it will benter the house of the cthief and the house of the one who swears falsely by My name; and it will spend the night within that house and dconsume it with its timber and stones.”
5 Then athe angel who was speaking with me went out and said to me, “Lift up now your eyes and see what this is going forth.”
6 I said, “What is it?” And he said, “This is the 1aephah going forth.” Again he said, “This is their 2appearance in all the 3land
7 (and behold, a lead cover was lifted up); and this is a woman sitting inside the ephah.”
8 Then he said, “This is aWickedness!” And he threw her down into the middle of the ephah and cast the lead weight on its 1opening.
9 Then I lifted up my eyes and looked, and there two women were coming out with the wind in their wings; and they had wings like the wings of a astork, and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heavens.
10 I said to the angel who was speaking with me, “Where are they taking the ephah?”
11 Then he said to me, “To build a 1temple for her in the land of aShinar; and when it is prepared, she will be set there on her own pedestal.”
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About New American Standard Bible: 1995 UpdateThe New American Standard Bible, long considered a favorite study Bible by serious students of the Scriptures, has been completely revised and updated in this new 1995 translation. Preserving the Lockman Foundation's standard of creating a literal translation of the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic manuscripts, the 1995 NASB provides a literal translation that is very readable. Formalized language and outdated words and phrases have been replaced with their contemporary counterparts. In short, the 1995 NASB is a Bible translation that is very conducive to word-by-word study and is also able to be read (and understood) by the whole family. |
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