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110 A Psalm of David.
1 qThe Lord says to my Lord:
r“Sit at my right hand,
suntil I make your enemies your tfootstool.”
2 The Lord sends forth ufrom Zion
vyour mighty scepter.
wRule in the midst of your enemies!
3 xYour people will yoffer themselves freely
from the womb of the morning,
the dew of your youth will be yours.3
and will dnot change his mind,
after the order of hMelchizedek.”
5 The Lord is at your iright hand;
he will jshatter kings on kthe day of his wrath.
6 He will lexecute judgment among the nations,
mfilling them with corpses;
over the wide earth.
7 He will odrink from the brook by the way;
therefore he will lift up his head.
I qwill give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart,
in the company of rthe upright, in the congregation.
2 Great are the sworks of the Lord,
tstudied by all who delight in them.
3 uFull of splendor and majesty is his work,
and his vrighteousness endures forever.
4 He has wcaused his wondrous works to be remembered;
the Lord is gracious and merciful.
5 He provides food for those who fear him;
he xremembers his covenant forever.
6 He has shown his people the power of his works,
in giving them the inheritance of the nations.
7 The works of his hands are faithful and just;
all his precepts are ytrustworthy;
8 they are zestablished forever and ever,
to be performed with afaithfulness and uprightness.
9 He sent bredemption to his people;
he has ccommanded his covenant forever.
dHoly and awesome is his name!
10 eThe fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
all those who practice it have fa good understanding.
His gpraise endures forever!
The Righteous Will Never Be Moved
iBlessed is the man who fears the Lord,
who jgreatly delights in his commandments!
2 His koffspring will be mighty in the land;
lthe generation of the upright will be blessed.
3 mWealth and riches are in his house,
and his nrighteousness endures forever.
4 Light dawns in the darkness ofor the upright;
he is gracious, merciful, and prighteous.
5 It is well with the man who qdeals generously and lends;
who conducts his affairs with justice.
6 For the righteous will rnever be moved;
she will be remembered forever.
7 He is not tafraid of bad news;
his uheart is firm, vtrusting in the Lord.
8 His heart is steady;2 he will not be afraid,
until he looks in triumph on his adversaries.
9 He has wdistributed freely; he has given to the poor;
his righteousness endures forever;
his xhorn is exalted in honor.
10 The wicked man sees it and is angry;
he ygnashes his teeth and zmelts away;
athe desire of the wicked will perish!
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