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Isaiah 53:1–7
aWho hath believed our ||†report?
And to whom is bthe arm of the Lord revealed?
2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant,
And as ca root out of da dry ground:
eHe hath no form nor comeliness;
And when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
3 fHe is despised and grejected of men;
hA man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief:
And ||†iwe hid as it were our faces from him;
He was despised, and kwe esteemed him not.
4 Surely lhe hath borne our griefs,
And carried our sorrows:
Yet we did esteem him mstricken,
nSmitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But ohe was ||pwounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities:
qThe chastisement of qqour peace was upon him;
And rswith his †stripes we are healed.
6 rtAll we like sheep have gone astray;
tWe have turned every one to his own way;
And uthe Lord †hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
7 wHe was oppressed, and he was afflicted,
Yet xhe opened not his mouth:
yzHe is brought as a lamb to the slaughter,
And as a sheep before her shearers is dumb,
So he openeth not his mouth.
a | Cited John 12:38. Rom. 10:16. |
|| | Or, doctrine? ch. 28:9. |
† | Heb. hearing? |
b | |
c | ch. 11:1. |
d | See ch. 35:1. |
e | ch. 52:14. |
f | |
g | Ps. 39:4 (Heb.). |
h | Comp. Heb. 4:15. |
|| | Or, he hid as it were his face from us. |
† | Heb. as a hiding of faces from him, or, from us. |
i | |
k | |
l | Cited Matt. 8:17. 1 Pet. 2:24. So ver. 10, 11. Heb. 9:28. |
m | Ps. 73:14. So ver. 8. Comp. 2 Kin. 15:5 (Heb.). |
n | |
o | See Rom. 4:25. So 1 Cor. 15:3. |
|| | Or, tormented. |
p | ch. 51:9. |
q | Comp. Job 20:3 (Heb.). |
r | Cited 1 Pet. 2:24, 25. |
s | Comp. ch. 50:6. |
† | Heb. bruise. So ch. 1:6. See Prov. 20:30. |
r | Cited 1 Pet. 2:24, 25. |
t | Ps. 119:176. See Matt. 9:36. So Matt. 10:6. Luke 15:4. |
t | Ps. 119:176. See Matt. 9:36. So Matt. 10:6. Luke 15:4. |
u | See 2 Cor. 5:21. So ver. 10. |
† | Heb. hath v made the iniquity of us all to meet on him. |
w | ch. 3:5. |
x | See Matt. 26:63. So 1 Pet. 2:23. |
y | Cited Acts 8:32. |
z | So Jer. 11:19. Comp. Matt. 27:31. |
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