
Daniel: God's Control over Rulers and Nations is unavailable, but you can change that!

Daniel, the one who is thrown into the lions' den and lives to tell about it, the one whose friends survive the fiery furnace, the one who interprets dreams, the one who defies the king. Through the study of this amazing man, led by one of America's most beloved and trusted Bible teachers, we learn to depend entirely on the God who rules rulers, governs governors, and even reigns over kings. From...

Background of the Passage By piecing together evidence from the biblical record we can conclude that Daniel likely grew up in a godly home, his parents having been impacted by the spiritual revival and cultural reforms spearheaded by King Josiah. Surely it was disheartening for this prominent Jewish family to watch as Judah’s brief repentance was snuffed out by the wicked kings Jehoahaz and then Jehoiakim. Despite faithful prophets like Jeremiah, the nation staggered toward certain judgment. Chapter