
The Apostolic Fathers in English is unavailable, but you can change that!

The “Apostolic Fathers” wrote what has become some of the most important literature in the early church—letters and epistolary documents, homilies and theological tracts, documents on church order, and apocalyptic literature. In fact, some texts came close to inclusion in the New Testament canon. These translations by Rick Brannan are perfect for use by students, scholars, and everyday Christians...

“Be Strong, Polycarp” 9.1 But as Polycarp entered into the stadium, there was a voice from heaven, 1 “Be strong, Polycarp, and ⌊be a man⌋! 2 3 And no one saw who had spoken, 4 but those of ⌊our people⌋ 5 who were present heard the voice. And then, when he was brought forward, there was a great uproar upon hearing that Polycarp had been arrested. 2 Therefore when he was brought forward the proconsul asked him if he was Polycarp, and when he admitted it, the proconsul tried to persuade him to recant,